Issue 3: There Is Such a Thing as a Cloud MillionAIRe in Ōwairaka Formerly Known as Mt Albert

There Is Such a Thing as a Cloud MillionAIRe in Ōwairaka Formerly Known as Mt Albert

Various evidence from an excavation of the residence and preliminary analysis of materials.

Introduction: The Devastation of the Cloud MillionAIRe's Residence in Ōwairaka

Preliminary analysis suggests the destruction was caused by a freak electrical storm. This theory is supported by the Cloud MillionAIRe's innovative cloud photography project, which might have inadvertently attracted the storm due to its unique setup involving a circuit-bended deconstructed mega-zoom Panasonic Lumix camera, e-waste components, and a bucket. Additionally, the dismay of the “Cloud Golem,” disturbed by extractive capitalism in nearby Omaha, could have played a role. Early findings also indicate that the storm's impact was exacerbated by the home's sophisticated, yet vulnerable, cloud-based automation system.

Pictured: “Overview of the Destruction.” A panoramic view of the devastated residence of the Cloud MillionAIRe in Ōwairaka (formerly Mt Albert). The once opulent home now lies in ruins, with only a few walls still standing.

Pictured: “Overview of the Destruction.” A panoramic view of the devastated residence of the Cloud MillionAIRe in Ōwairaka (formerly Mt Albert). The once opulent home now lies in ruins, with only a few walls still standing.

Pictured: “Debris and Ruins.” Close-up of the scattered debris at the site. The scattered rubble consists of broken wood, drywall, and other construction materials.

Pictured: “Debris and Ruins.” Close-up of the scattered debris at the site. The scattered rubble consists of broken wood, drywall, and other construction materials.

Pictured: “Excavation and Analysis.” Forensics experts and ethnographic researchers conduct a meticulous excavation of the Cloud MillionAIRe’s residence.

Pictured: “Excavation and Analysis.” Forensics experts and ethnographic researchers conduct a meticulous excavation of the Cloud MillionAIRe’s residence. This room shows significant destruction, with a partially missing ceiling, ripped-off gib board, and debris including pink insulation material scattered across the floor.

Pictured: “Personal Belongings Amidst Rubble.” A missing window, holes in the ceiling, and ripped-off gib board exposing Pink® Batts® insulation. The bush in the background remains undisturbed.

Pictured: “Personal Belongings Amidst Rubble.” A missing window, holes in the ceiling, and ripped-off gib board exposing Pink® Batts® insulation. The bush in the background remains undisturbed.

Fragment 9f: Cloud Oracle Playdate

A recovered video recording and voice memo, sourced from a MiniDV tape unearthed beneath a debris pile, in Room 2c, Level 2. In these audio recordings, the Cloud MillionAIRe details an encounter involving a game of Cloud Oracle played with friends who are exiles from Gauteng.

Here is a transcription of the audio:

“I invited my friends, exiles from Gauteng to play a game of Cloud Oracle. My mother, a keeper of our traditions, watched over the game and channelled spirits from the old lands of Gruzd and Shilel. As we laid out photographs of cloud formations from my collection, we sang Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika (the South African national anthem). This helped to wake up the Cloud Oracle. We also laid out felted tokens from my childhood.

We then took the felted woollen clouds, crafted from wool offcuts (possibly Romney) donated by the local organic mattress factory, and asked our questions to the oracle.

We took turns, throwing the felted clouds onto the play surface. We used the position where the cloud landed to divine an answer to our questions. We throw multiple clouds onto the play surface to get more information.

Part way through the game, we were blessed with a vision of the cloud Prophet. Unfortunately the camera was not rolling at this point. This was a wonderful moment, influenced by my mother’s ancestral rituals.

The game is open for anyone to play. If you are lucky the cloud Prophet might appear!”

Ek het my vriende, bannelinge van Gauteng, genooi om 'n speletjie Cloud Oracle te speel. My ma, 'n bewaarder van ons tradisies, het oor die wild gewaak en geeste uit die ou lande van Gruzd en Shilel gekanaliseer. Terwyl ons foto's van wolkformasies uit my versameling uitgelê het, het ons Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika (die Suid-Afrikaanse volkslied) gesing. Dit het gehelp om die Cloud Oracle wakker te maak. Ons het ook vilttekens uit my kinderdae uitgelê.

Ons het toe die vervilte wolwolke, gemaak van wolafval (moontlik Romney) wat deur die plaaslike organiese matrasfabriek geskenk is, geneem en ons vrae aan die orakel gestel.

Ons het beurte gemaak en die viltwolke op die speeloppervlak gegooi. Ons het die posisie waar die wolk geland het gebruik om 'n goddelike antwoord op ons vrae te gee. Ons gooi verskeie wolke op die speeloppervlak om meer inligting te kry.

Deelpad deur die speletjie was ons geseën met 'n visioen van die wolkprofeet. Ongelukkig het die kamera nie op hierdie stadium gerol nie. Dit was 'n wonderlike oomblik, beïnvloed deur my ma se voorvaderlike rituele.

Die speletjie is oop vir almal om te speel. As jy gelukkig is, kan die wolkprofeet verskyn!

We believe that this video captures events from that same day:

Cloud Prophet (Profit) WebService

It seems that the Cloud MillionAIRe created a WebService for the oracle. Please find her here:

Blueprint for a Cloud Oracle (Document 9b)

Pictured: Apparent schematic for Cloud Oracle system. Recovered from email dump as at 17 May, 2024.

Pictured: Apparent schematic for Cloud Oracle system. Recovered from email dump as at 17 May, 2024.

Fragment 5b: Cloud Savant Lullaby, Attendant Lyrics, and Limited Commentary

Potential Promotional Image:

Pictured: Potential promotional image of Cloud Savant and Underpaid Careworker. Recovered from External_Hard_Drive_C7. Date Unknown.

Pictured: Potential promotional image of Cloud Savant and Underpaid Careworker. Recovered from External_Hard_Drive_C7. Date Unknown.

Cloud Savant Lullaby:

Attendant Lyrics:

[Extract from savantlullaby_lyrics_002b.txt on External_Hard_Drive_p6]

“83-kg chubby balding danish-pākehā and an underpaid careworker with a white bucket on his head and circuitbended mega-zoom deconstructed panasonic lumix camera coming out of his head drooling and wrapped in a white sheet with an underpaid careworker at hi 83-kg chubby balding danish-pākehā and an underpaid careworker with a white bucket on his head and circuitbended mega-zoom deconstructed panasonic lumix camera coming out of his head drooling and wrapped in a white sheet with an underpaid careworker at hi 83-kg chubby balding danish-pākehā and an underpaid careworker with a white bucket on his head and circuitbended mega-zoom deconstructed panasonic lumix camera coming out of his head drooling and wrapped in a white sheet with an underpaid careworker at hi 83-kg chubby balding danish-pākehā and an underpaid careworker with a white bucket on his head and circuitbended mega-zoom deconstructed panasonic lumix camera coming out of his head drooling and wrapped in a white sheet with an underpaid careworker at hi 83-kg chubby balding danish-pākehā and an underpaid careworker with a white bucket on his head and circuitbended mega-zoom deconstructed panasonic lumix camera coming out of his head drooling and wrapped in a white sheet”

Limited Commentary:

This Cloud Savant Lullaby and potential promotional image was recovered from External_Hard_Drive_C7 on May 13 1997. The attendant lyrics were found in a corrupt .txt file in the same hard drive. While they do not match the lyrics in the lullaby they are a close approximation and we consider that they were the basic notes for use in improvized performance and/or recording situations. It may be that the Cloud MillionAIRe used this to lull the Cloud Savant to sleep and/or calm it. Simultaneously or conversely, this lullaby may have been produced as promotional material for the Cloud Savant and/or Cloud MillionAIRe’s activities. It may have also served as a tentative recipe for device iterations. Further investigation is required, particularly with reference to its place in the musical oeuvre of the Cloud MillionAIRe (see External_Hard_Drives C7 through C12) and iterative prototyping (see External_Hard_Drives g2 through g9 and device fragments, particularly those labeled ps001 through ds_0091).

Fragment 7e: Attempting to Withdraw One Million Clouds from GPT

Fragment 10a: Cautionary Notice from Firefox

Firefox issues a cautionary alert when accessing a gift from the Cloud MillionAIRe. The receipt of one million cloud emojis from the Cloud MillionAIRe poses a potential risk of system instability. Furthermore, there is speculation that such exchanges may have implications for the unfortunate destruction of the Cloud MillionAIRe's Ōwairaka residence.

Pictured: Firefox Cautionary Alert. Screenshot. 27 June 2018.

Pictured: Firefox Cautionary Alert. Screenshot. 27 June 2018.

Fragments b7-b9: Practice for Manifesting the “Near Sky”

In its writings, the Cloud MillionAIRe refers to a “Near Sky” which is the manifestation of a physical, social, and psychological closeness to the sky (Hatori et al., 20231). Fragments b7-b9 demonstrate what we perceive to be various practices for manifesting the “Near Sky” with dirty sheets, lengths of bamboo, and cut up bicycle innertubes.

Artifact 37: Evidence of Cloud Golem

General Comments on comprehension and investigation of the issue of a Cloud Golem:

A redacted collage which appears to have been made from a Facebook dump as at 11 June 2011 seems to show a “Cloud Golem” which “represents a guardian spirit” roaming a place called “Ōmaha” which is populated by “Richlist Minecraft Copyright Infringement Holiday Homes” which are “Homes of Wealth Built on Cultural Appropriation.”

This material indicates that the “Cloud Golem” shows a “sense of dismay” which is evidence of it “being perturbed by the imbalance caused by extractive capitalism” in the area. It may be that [REDACTED] {cracked text in file 981013_golem.txt on External_Hard_Drive_B2}. End of text.

Photographic Evidence:

Pictured: Redacted collage which appears to have been made from a Facebook dump as at 11 June 2011.

Pictured: Redacted collage which appears to have been made from a Facebook dump as at 11 June 2011.

Cloud Golem Simulator (Partial Reconstruction of Apparition of Cloud Golem):

We have attempted a partial reconstruction of the apparition of the Cloud Golem based on the various materials related to this phenomenon. We consider this an early version of a Cloud Golem Simulator that we hope will contribute to a wider understanding of the Cloud MillionAIRe’s life, works, and worldview.



Artifact 1: Prototypical Cloud MillionAIRe device

Basic Description:

[Extract from 230914_proposal_003.txt on External_Hard_Drive_S1]

“I am working on a project called "Cloud MillionAIRe," which is a camera specifically designed to capture photos of clouds. In this way you can become a millionaire with the things that are freely available around you! Like clouds and e-waste cameras.

The camera is attached to an old milk bottle. When the handle of the milk bottle is held the camera is always pointing up towards the sky. The camera is zoomed in or out by way of a controller attached to the user's head. They nod their head forward to zoom in and backward to zoom out. Clouds are captured by licking two exposed wires or placing them inside one's mouth to trigger the shutter. Each time a cloud is captured a small puff of white powder comes out of the bottom of the camera, leaving a "cloud" on the footpath or ground where the photo was taken. Like breadcrumbs, in this way you can retrace your steps, or others can follow your path around a neighbourhood, as you capture clouds and become a cloud millionaire!”

Early Schematic of Cloud MillionAIRe device as presented to 第一回連絡会 (First Comprehensive Coordination Meeting):

Pictured: Screenshot recovered from 20240411_3-3_Daiikkai_Renrakukai.pptx on External_Hard_Drive_B1.

Pictured: Screenshot recovered from 20240411_3-3_Daiikkai_Renrakukai.pptx on External_Hard_Drive_B1.

Apparent Alignment with Moonshot Goal 8:

[Extract from moonshot_alignment_008.txt on External_Hard_Drive_S1]

“While "Cloud MillionAIRe" may seem whimsical at first glance, it actually aligns with Japan's Moonshot Goal 8 of realizing a society safe from the threat of extreme winds and rains by controlling and modifying the weather by 2050 ( in several ways:

Promotion of Cloud Awareness: By encouraging people to actively observe and appreciate clouds, Cloud MillionAIRe promotes awareness of weather patterns. This heightened awareness can lead to a better understanding of weather phenomena, including extreme winds and rains, and how they form.

Data Collection: Every cloud captured with Cloud MillionAIRe contributes to a database of cloud formations. This data can be analyzed to better understand weather patterns and trends, aiding in the development of more accurate weather prediction models.

Community Engagement: As Cloud MillionAIRe users traverse their neighbourhoods, leaving behind a trail of cloud imprints, they foster community engagement and discussion about weather-related topics. This grassroots approach can lead to increased community resilience and preparedness in the face of extreme weather events.

Innovation and Creativity: The concept of Cloud MillionAIRe embodies innovation and creativity in addressing weather-related challenges. While it may not directly control or modify the weather, it sparks imagination and encourages thinking outside the box, potentially leading to novel solutions to weather-related issues in the future.

Overall, while Cloud MillionAIRe may not directly control or modify the weather (as Japan's Moonshot Goal 8 envisions), it fosters a deeper understanding of weather patterns, promotes community engagement, and encourages innovative thinking—all of which are essential elements in building a society safe from the threat of extreme weather.”

Service Proposal and Attendant Prototype 8e: On the Prospects of Cloud Mining from Home as a Solitary Individual

Fragment 23: Photos of Clouds as at Flights to and from Ōtepoti (Formerly Known as Dunedin)

Attempt 002b: Attempt at Launching a Handmade Cloud

This rare footage and a corrupt .txt file were found in a dismantled USB drive in a sticky puddle of dried red wine on the mantlepiece of Room 7g. There was a toothpick on top of the drive. The content of the .txt file is yet unknown but its filename was “launchattempt_002b.txt.” The video appears to show a young Cloud MillionAIRe attempting to contribute to the local cloudscape by launching a frugal handmade cloud into the “Near Sky” (see also Fragments b7-b9 above). The voice of what appears to be his child can be heard.

Email Evidence 1099c: Series of Redacted Emails through March–May 2024

Printed redacted emails concerning Cloud MillionAIRe recovered from floor of Room 2c, Level 2 and covered in various dust, hair, flakes of dry skin, etc.

Fragment 13: Cloud Oracle Emerges in a Jar from the Remains of Organic Coconut Oil

Early Evidence g7: The time That Cloud Savant Tried to Replicate "Red Sky at Night, Shepherd's Delight" with Coconut Oil, Red Cabbage Soup, and Lavender Essential Oil

Traces of Friendship: Visit to Abode of Rain Savant

The friendship with the Rain Savant [REDACTED] {cracked text in file 231015_rainsavant.txt on External_Hard_Drive_F5}. End of text.

Fragment 9g: Ethnographic Examination of Early Manifestations of Atmospheric Enthusiasm in Juvenile Subject and Insights into Preliminary Ventures in Atmospheric Manipulation and Proto-Technological Innovations

These images were recovered from rusty Stiffy disks retrieved from basement section C12:

Pictured: “Potential Juvenile Incarnation of the Cloud MillionAIRe: A Ten-Year-Old with an Improvized Kite Utilizing a White Plastic Bag on a Coastal Landscape.” A young boy, believed to be the nascent figure of the Cloud MillionAIRe

Pictured: “Potential Juvenile Incarnation of the Cloud MillionAIRe: A Ten-Year-Old with an Improvized Kite Utilizing a White Plastic Bag on a Coastal Landscape.” A young boy, believed to be the nascent figure of the Cloud MillionAIRe, is observed engaging in rudimentary atmospheric manipulation. He utilizes a white plastic bag, ingeniously tied to a piece of string, fashioned as a kite. The bag, affixed to a piece of driftwood embedded in the coastal sands, captures the wind. The boy’s intense focus on this primitive device, juxtaposed with other children partaking in more conventional play activities in the background, suggests an early proclivity for interaction with elemental forces.

Pictured: “Prototypical Experimentation of the Wind MillionAIRe Concept: A Black Alpac Raincoat Inflated by a Central Heating Vent, Anchored by a Green Plastic Watering Can.”

Pictured: “Prototypical Experimentation of the Wind MillionAIRe Concept: A Black Alpac Raincoat Inflated by a Central Heating Vent, Anchored by a Green Plastic Watering Can.” Believed to be an early prototype of either the Wind MillionAIRe, Wind BillionAIRe, or Wind TrillionAIRe, its specific classification remains uncertain. This artefact features a black alpaca raincoat, inflated via a central heating vent, and anchored by a green plastic watering can. The hood is adorned with an inflated blue balloon, introducing a comedic element as the coat fills with air, showcasing early endeavours in wind manipulation.

Note to Investigative Team: Analytical Framework for Identifying Artefact Classification

Dear Team,

As we delve into the investigation of atmospheric manipulation artefacts, our approach involves comparing them to records of the Wind MillionAIRe, Wind BillionAIRe, and Wind TrillionAIRe concepts, exploring historical context, seeking expert consultation, analyzing symbolism, and conducting further research to determine their classification. Let's proceed with diligence and thoroughness.



Research and Development Task 3-3: Comprehensive Study on Regional Collaboration for the Societal Implementation of Heavy Rainfall Control.

Outlook and Challenges of the Weather Commons: Moving toward the Societal Implementation of Weather Control, Living alongside Heavy Rainfall.

Principal Investigator: Tsuyoshi Hatori (Ehime University). Investigators: Christoph Rupprecht (Ehime University), Kunihiko Kobayashi (Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center), Masamitsu Onishi (Kyoto University).

Not available publicly, provided to Cloud MillionAIRe as a personal offering by Hatori.

Adam Ben-Dror is a creative technologist and researcher; Professional Teaching Fellow, Design Program, Waipapa Taumata Rau—The University of Auckland; Compost Facilitator, The Compost Collective, Tāmaki Makaurau; Co-founder, Local Making, design studio and neighbourhood-scaled laboratory for resourceful living and making; and, Co-founder, Negative Emissions and Waste Studies Program, waste and creativity research project.

Chris Berthelsen is a Researcher, Faculty of Collaborative Regional Innovation (Ehime University) within the Japan Science and Technology Agency Moonshot Goal 8 Project for Weather Control by 2050, and a doctoral candidate in tōjisha-kenkyū (当事者研究) at Elam School of Fine Arts (Waipapa Taumata Rau—The University of Auckland).

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